School Fees for 2024/2025 are due on the first day of school.
Grade 10 - $25
Grade 11 - $25
Grade 12 - $75
** Lockers can be rented for the school year through the front office for an additional $5
These charges are due on the First Day of the school year and we accept cheques, cash, debit and credit cards (VISA, MASTERCARD). Cheques are to be made payable to RED DEER CATHOLIC SCHOOL DIVISION. All fees are to be paid at the office or online through Powerschool. Receipts are issued when payments are made and should be retained for future reference in case of discrepancies. Fees are due in full on the first day of school. Alternative arrangements must be made by contacting the Financial Secretary, Sheryl Campbell
(342-4800 ext. 263205).