

In Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools we are proud to proclaim that our principles of practice underline everything we do. The first two statements in our Principles of Practice support our commitment to Safe and Caring Schools:

We honour our children.
We provide a safe & secure environment.

In congruence with the Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools, we are:

  • a gospel centred professional learning community that fosters hope and a Catholic Christian value system within a pluralistic society
  • continuing the mission of Jesus, Prophet, Priest and Servant King

Our service commitment is to make His life, mission and teaching our focal points of belief and conduct within our Catholic schools.

École Secondaire Notre Dame High School's motto is God is our Power, Knowledge is our Strength which emphasizes our commitment of making Christ known to each student.

Parents, you are viewed as integral partners in the growth and development of each student; we welcome your involvement in the Catholic education of your child(ren).

Student Handbook/Program Guide

Our handbook contains a wealth of information about our programming.

ND Program Guide 2025-2026

If you have any questions, speak with a staff member who will gladly assist you.  We want all students to have an enjoyable and successful learning experience while you attend our school.