
Bus Registration

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens on April 15, 2025. Please register prior to June 13, 2025. 

All students are required to be registered online for School Bus Service. This applies to students wanting to take the City Bus or the County (Yellow) Bus. Students will not be eligible for transportation (City Bus Pass or Rural Bus) until this registration is complete.

Parents/Guardians need to register their child(ren) to access this service
Register Now

Late registrations for bus service will be processed as quickly as possible. There will be a $50 late fee per student and service may be delayed.

For families who do not qualify for free transportation and wish to access busing, city bus passes must be purchased through the City of Red Deer and are no longer available through Notre Dame.

School Bus Eligibility

City Transit Passes

Parents/guardians need to register their child(ren) to access this service.

2024/2025 Register Now

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens on April 15, 2025. Please register prior to June 13, 2025. 

Students will be charged a $50.00 per student late registration fee if they register for transportation after June 13, 2025. The late fee is non-waivable and non-refundable. A family maximum does not apply with this fee. If registering after the deadline, service may be delayed.



All students living within the City of Red Deer and attending École Secondaire Notre Dame High School will be transported using City Transit services.

  • Students who are eligible will receive a City of Red Deer Transit pass that is valid for the school year.
  • Students who are non-eligible riders must purchase their bus pass through the city of Red Deer and will no longer be available through Notre Dame.
  • All passes are valid for the current school year (September-June). 


Bus pass rules of operation and ownership:

  • Students wanting a Bus Pass still have to Register with the RDCRS Transportation Department via the website at
  • Bus passes are now Annual Passes
  • Passes are only to be used by the qualifying student that was originally issued the card. Bus passes are non-transferable.
  • If a card is lost, we can replace the card for a $20.00 administration fee.  Please note that bus passes are now placed on the back of Student Id cards. Replacement cost for ID cards is $5.
  • To receive a free city bus pass the student has to be eligible as determined by the RDCRS Transportation Department.
  • If your child has been referred by the division to attend an out of catchment, congregated program due to their educational needs, transportation will be provided at no cost. However, if the specialized programming is available at your catchment school, transportation will be provided based on the regular distance eligibility guidelines.
  • Students attending Ball Academy (who do not reside in the St. Joseph High School catchment) or Hockey Academy (who do not reside in the École Secondaire Notre Dame High School catchment) will be assigned a fee of $300.00 per student per year or the cost of applicable city transit pass. Only if transportation is available. 


City of Red Deer Transit Routes

To view current bus routes or to plan your student's route to and from school, please consult Google Maps or the RDT MyBus App.

Route 150 and Map

Route 151 and Map

Route 152 and Map

Route 153 and Map

Yellow School Bus Service

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens on April 15, 2025. Please register prior to June 13, 2025. 

Parents/guardians need to register their child(ren) to access this service.

2024/2025 Register Now

Students will be charged a $50.00 per student late registration fee if they register for transportation after June 13, 2025. The late fee is non-waivable and non-refundable. A family maximum does not apply with this fee. If registering after the deadline, service may be delayed.


Yellow Bus Routes:

Rural Out of Catchment Transportation for 2024-2025 School Year:

In years past RDCRS has used transfer sites to provide transportation services to out of catchment students.  Some of this servicing has resulted in additional bus route requirements from transfer sites to support this service.  Due to the funding parameters set by Alberta Education we can no longer provide this level of service.

This means that every student attending a non-catchment school can request transportation but the request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and reviewed each year.  If the service has any impact on our regular routing, the request will be denied and students will have to return to their catchment school or parents will have to consider transportation outside of our division service.  

This includes Schools of Choice (St. Patrick’s Community School and St. Martin de Porres School) and our sports academies.  If RDCRS can honour the request, out of catchment fees will apply and this service is not guaranteed beyond the school year.

If you have any questions in this regard or would like to discuss your own situation with our Transportation Department, please contact us at 403-309-8801 or at

  • Bus stop locations are determined by the number of eligible students registered to use the service. 
  • We try our best not to relocate bus stops; however, it may happen from time to time.
  • RDCRS has an expectation that no bus stop will be further than 500 meters (0.5 km) for students in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5 from a residence for eligible students. This does not apply to ineligible students as they may have to utilize the closest available stop. 
  • Eligible students in Grades 6-12 could be expected to have a walk distance to their bus stop between 500 meters to 800 meters (0.5 km - 0.8 km). 
  • Buses will not be rerouted and stops will typically not be added for ineligible students. 
  • Bus stops are only created in residential areas. 
  • Commercial, retail, or office building areas will not be considered for a stop due to safety concerns. We try to keep buses out of crescents and closes due to safety reasons and ease of access as much as possible. 

For confirmation or additional information on transportation, please review our Transportation Frequently Asked Questions.

If your questions still remain unanswered, please contact the Transportation Department at or by calling 403-309-8801.

Download the Bus Status App!

RDCRS School Bus app logo

Bus Status for iOS and Android notifies you when your school bus is cancelled or delayed.

Please download Bus Status at your earliest convenience to continue or to receive school bus notifications from Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools. To install this app, please follow the directions below:

Step 1: Download the Bus Status app by Box Clever.

Step 2: Open the app and select Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools from the list (you only need to select your district the first time you open the app. Bus Status will remember your selection).

Step 3: Go to All Buses. Tap the star to add a bus to My Buses.

Step 4: You’ll receive a notification when one of your buses is Delayed, Cancelled, or Early.

Step 5: Tap the bell icon to see general Notifications from Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools.

Parking Pass Sign Up 2024-2025

If your child would like to purchase a parking pass, for $20 for the year, they must complete the Student Parking Application prior to purchasing a parking pass.

Please use the link below to complete the form: CLICK HERE